Keep Your Eye On the Ball
When I’m working, when I’m writing, when I’m in the midst of it, or beginning it or ending it, the only reader that counts is myself. You know what they say in baseball, keep your eye on the ball? That’s the ball. I have to keep my eye on that, and never anything else. When I know I’m on the final draft—or think I am—I get to the end and then I prepare four or five copies and I mail them or get them to friends whose critical acumen I trust. I go and sit in her house and we talk about the book and I’ll tape record what they’re saying so I don’t have to take notes and not be involved in the conversation with them. And then I get them home and I transcribe them. And so I begin to make changes. Or if I think one person’s got it all wrong I ignore them. So the book is being described back to me in language which opens my thinking up. So even if they’re wrong, they’re right. There’s something to be gained, even if I think they’re wrong. So that’s what I do. It’s been a wonderful help.