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Jake Bible

How did you become a writer?

I've always been a storyteller. Or "liar," as some might say. I wrote my first story in elementary school. I actually had to illustrate it and bind it into a children's book for class. That was when the bug bit. I wrote all through school until life and work got in the way. It wasn't until 2007 that I got back writing and submitting short stories (yay for the internet!). I have been writing professionally since 2008 and don't ever plan to stop. Slow down, yes, but never stop.

Name your writing influences (writers, books, teachers, etc.).

Roger Zelazny is #1. The Amber series blew my mind. Add in Poe, Henry Miller, Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Robert McCammon, and Cormac McCarthy and I never stood a chance of writing "normal" fiction. As for teachers, I wouldn't be a writer without Mike Garling. Corridor Elementary school. 3rd grade and that children's book I had to write, illustrate, and bind. Mike was an incredible teacher and started me on my path.

When and where do you write?

I used to write full-time every weekday, 9-5. But life and finances aren't always cooperative, so now I write part-time on the weekends and when I can snatch some extra time. For the most part I write in my office at home behind a mid-twentieth century modern desk that was my wife's grandfather's. It's a massive half circle that spans 9' in diameter. I love it.

What are you working on now?

Right now I'm working on a quirky mystery/thriller that's a weird combo of Northern Exposure meets Twin Peaks. Slow going, but a lot of fun. I'm also prepping for the penultimate Roak novel which is tricky because I took a long break, so now I have to go back and reread the previous ones because continuity. Stupid continuity...

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block?

Nope. I wrote 50 novels in five years. I have more ideas in my head, and in my iPhone's Notes app, that I will never et to write in my lifetime. Writing is like breathing to me and telling stories is my core, so writers block just isn't a thing for me.

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

It came from Scott Sigler and he said it takes 4-5 years in the publishing industry before you even start to understand what's going on. He was 100% right. After about my 4th year I realized I didn't know jack about what I was doing and my eyes were only just opening up. It cracks me up when new writers start spouting off about how writing and publishing should be. I just nod and smile and wait and watch for when reality kicks in for them.

What’s your advice to new writers?

Be prepared for success. Writers talk about failure too much and don't talk about how to handle success. Okay, so you now have a hit book? What do you do? You move fast and capitalize on that success, you don't kick back and get comfy. When opportunity knocks, will you be ready? Start thinking on that, people. I've blown a couple good opportunities because I wasn't be prepared.

Jake Bible is a Bram Stoker Award nominated novelist, short story writer, independent screenwriter, former podcaster, and inventor of the Drabble Novel. He has entertained thousands with his modern pulp fiction tales. Jake reaches audiences of all ages with his uncanny ability to write a wide range of characters and genres. 

Jake is the author of 60+ novels, including the bestselling Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter series of space crime novels, the bestselling Z-Burbia series set in Asheville, NC, the bestselling Salvage Merc One, and the MEGA series for Severed Press. He is also the author of the YA zombie novel, Little Dead Man, the Bram Stoker Award nominated Teen horror novel, Intentional Haunting, the middle grade ScareScapes series, and the Reign of Four series for Permuted Press. As well as Stone Cold Bastards and the Black Box, Inc novels for Bell Bridge Books.

Find Jake at Join him on Twitter @jakebible and on Facebook.