Nina Sadowsky

How did you become a writer?

I've always been a writer, but I became a professional writer by first segueing from being a film producer to being a screenwriter and then reinventing myself as a novelist when I felt the film and TV world was closing its doors on me.

Name your writing influences (writers, books, teachers, etc.).

William Meredith, a former Poet Laureate of the United Stares, who I studied with in college, was a true mentor. He saw something special in me and told me so. His faith in me inspires me to this day. My favorite screenwriting book is The 21st Century Screenplay by Linda Aronson (useful for all writers too!). I've been influenced by too many writers to count, but some of my particular favorites are Patricia Highsmith, Kate Atkinson, and J.K. Rowling.

When and where do you write? 

My routine varies, especially since I've become the Program Director of NYU Los Angeles. But I am very disciplined. If I've blocked off a chunk of time to write, I commit to it and don't waver.

What are you working on now? 

Today I am turning the final polish of my next thriller, CONVINCE ME, which will be published by Ballantine on August 4th. I'm also working on a pilot entitled GREEN RUSH, and a new novel entitled CASUAL VIOLENCE.

Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? 

No. And I don't believe in it. Some days the work flows and others it can be harder, but the idea of waiting for "inspiration" or "the muse" is counter-productive. I believe that if you don't know what to write next, you simply haven't asked yourself the right questions yet.

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

That your editor (or any other reader) is the patient, and that the author is the doctor. The reader can say where something hurts, but it's up to the writer to diagnose the problem and treat it. In other words, don't be reactive to notes.

What’s your advice to new writers?

Persist! Respect that you have something worth saying and don't give up. There are only so many stories to be told, but every single person brings something unique to their telling.

Nina Sadowsky is an author, filmmaker and educator. She has written numerous screenplays and produced such films as "The Wedding Planner.” Her debut thriller, JUST FALL, was published in 2016 and her BURIAL SOCIETY series launched in 2018 with the second book in the series, THE EMPTY BED, published on January 28, 2020.  The Burial Society series is in development for television. She is also the author of CONVINCE ME to be published August 4, 2020. In addition to her role as Program Director of NYU Los Angeles, a "semester abroad" program for advanced students considering careers in the entertainment and media industries. Sadowsky also serves as the Director of Educational Outreach for the Humanitas Prize, is on the Leadership Council of Creative Future, and is a founding member of the Woolfpack, an organization of women showrunners, writers and producers committed to community and mentorship.